Justice for the poor and defenseless
Jesus guarantees absolutely that God will secure justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him with steadfast faith.
We know from Jesus’ example and teaching that God’s chosen ones are the poor. Christ, the Anointed with the Spirit, makes clear that his mission is to announce to the poor the Good News of God’s kingdom and justice. That is why he goes about doing good and curing every disease and illness.
Jesus, moreover, sets a new standard because he proclaims blessed those who are poor. He disregards the popular belief that wealth means blessing. He is on the side of the poor since, though rich, he became poor for their sake. And thirsty like those who are blessed because they thirst for justice, Jesus, the refulgence of God’s glory, does not turn back at the specter of a shameful death.
Yes, Jesus is steadfast to the point of death in the struggle against sin and in favor of justice. He gives us a model to follow so that we may do likewise, with our eyes fixed on him.
Jesus’ unflagging perseverance
Those who focus on Jesus ponder his unflagging perseverance. As a consequence, they recognize that they too have to persevere, without getting weary, without losing heart, so that they may also reign with the Leader and Perfecter of their faith. In imitation of him, therefore, they offer prayers with loud cries and tears to the one who is able to save them. Their praying hands remain steady at all times. They likewise keep listening to the Word that equips them perfectly for every good work.
Indeed, such mystics prove themselves through their thirst for justice that is translated into good works. Those who have burning thirst for justice do not quench it by simply resigning themselves to an unjust situation. Nor do they let themselves die of such thirst. Rather, they do as the widow. She keeps bothering the dishonest judge by telling him relentlessly, “Render a just decision for me against my adversary.”
True mystics persist in proclaiming the just Word, whether convenient or inconvenient. And they worry more about enlarging God’s kingdom than adding to their possessions (SV.EN III:527). They know besides what they ought to do so that their liturgies may not end up loathsome in God’s eyes. They make justice their aim; they redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea and defend the widow.
Be mindful, Lord, of those who devote themselves to the cause of your kingdom and justice. May worldly opposition not deter them from their aim.
October 16, 2016
29th Sunday in O.T. (C)
Ex 17, 8-13; 2 Tim 3, 14 – 4, 2; Lk 18, 1-8