Catholic Institutes of Consecrated Life And Societies of Apostolic Life
1.1 Institutes founded by Vincent de Paul.
- Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists or Vincentian Fathers and Brothers)
- Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Servants of the Sick Poor (Grey Sisters)
1.2 Institutes which adopted the Common Rules of Vincent de Paul or substantially incorporated major principles into their rule.
- Sisters of Charity of Zams (Sisters of Mercy of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Vienna (Sisters of Charity of Mercy of Saint Vincent de Paul; Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Daughters of Christian Charity)
- Sisters of Charity of Providence (Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor)
- Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Providence of Saint Vincent de Paul
- The Religious of Notre-Dame-du-Sacre-Coeur
- Sisters of Charity of Providence (Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor)
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zagreb (Croatian Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul )
- Sisters of Charity of Strasbourg (Soeurs de la Toussaint)
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Paderborn
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Freiburg
- Sisters of Divine Providence of Mainz
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Hildesheim
- Vincentian Congregation
- Congregation of the Preshitharam Sisters
- Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, Mother of Good Succor (Kongregasi Kasih Yesus dan Maria)
- Irish Vincentians
- Sisters Ministers of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul (Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Trecate)
- Daughters of Charity of the Most Holy Annunciation of Ivrea (Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Montanaro)
- Sisters Ministers of the Sick and Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Grignasco
- Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea (Sisters of Ivrea)
- Sisters of the Infant Mary of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa
- Sisters of Mercy of Verona
- Sisters, Servants of the Poor
- Missionaries, Servants of the Poor
- Sisters Ministers of the Sick and Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Prato-Sesia
- Sisters of Charity under the Patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Suwon
- Sisters of the Poor, Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
- Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
- Servants of the Poor
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Satu-Mare
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Majorca
- Sisters of Charity of Valls
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Ann
- Sisters of Charity of Cervera
- Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation of Tortosa
- Missionary Daughters ot the Heart ot Mary
- Sisters ot Charity ot Saint Joseph’s (The American Sisters of Charity)
- Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy
- Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
- Sisters of Providence of Holyoke
- Vincentian Sisters of Charity of Pittsburgh
- Vincentian Sisters of Charity of Bedford
1.3 Institutes for whom Saint Vincent was mentor, advisor, or involved in some other way.
- Visitation of Holy Mary
- Augustinians ot Charity ot Notre Dame (Augustinian Nursing Sisters of Hotel-Dieu)
- Daughters of Saint Magdalen
- Religious Hospitallers of Saint Joseph
- Sisters of Saint Agnes
- Society of Saint Sulpice (Priests of the Clergy or Sulpicians)
- Daughters of Providence (Order of the Daughters of Saint Anne)
- Daughters of the Holy Family
- Sisters of the Most Blessed Sacrament and of Charity of Bourges
2.1 Institutes established by members of the Congregation of the Mission.
- Society of Auxiliaries of the Missions
- Institute of Daughters of Mary, Servants of Charity
- Chinese Daughters of Charity of Tonkin
- Religious of Saint Joseph of Peking
- Congregation of Saint Joseph of Tcheng-Ting-Fu (Society of Saint Joseph)
- Virgins of Purgatory (Association of Christian Virgins; Daughters of Purgatory or Helpers of the Souls in Purgatory)
- Brothers of Saint Paul (Society of Saint Paul or Paulists)
- Daughters of Saint Anne
- Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (The Mariales)
- Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel (Companions of Our Lady of Good Counsel)
- Daughters of the Sacred Heart
- Daughters of Saint Anne of Chian
- Daughters of Saint Anne of Kanchow
- Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (Little Brothers of Saint John the Baptist)
- Little Sisters of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus (Theresiennes)
- Sisters of the Holy Heart of Mary
- Sisters of the Holy Family of Sedan (Daughters of the Charity Workshop)
- Religious of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Sisters of Calvary)
- Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sisters of the Union of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Bordeaux)
- Pious Society of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
- Congregation of the Sisters of Christ in Gethsemani (Sisters of the Holy Agony of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- Little Sisters of the Miraculous Medal (Little Sisters of Saint Georges de l’Isle)
- Sisters of the Eucharist
- Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Faith
- Sons of Charity of Vicenza
- Institute of Nazarene Sisters (Daughters of the Passion of Jesus of Nazareth)
- Daughters of Saint Anne (Daughters of Mary Immaculate, the Little Followers of Minims of Saint Francis)
- Sisters of Gethsemani (Sisters of the Holy Agony)
- Hermanas Josefinas (Sisters of Saint Joseph of Mexico)
- Congregaci6n de Misioneros de San Jose (Hermanos Josefinos; Missionary Society of Saint Joseph)
- Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor
- Missionary Catechists of the Miraculous Medal (Hermanas Misioneras Catequistas de la Medalla Milagrosa)
- Little Sisters of the Mother of God (Little Sisters of the House of Charity of Cebu)
- Brothers of Charity of the Holy Cross
- Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin of Matara (Misioneras Concepcionistas)
- Brotherhood of Missionaries of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
- Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
- Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
2.2 Institutes established by Daughters of Charity.
- Marienschwestern (Petites Soeurs Gardes-malades, or Soeurs Infermieres; Nursing Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal)
- Missionary Sisters of the Presentation
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Toan Antida
- Daughters of Saint Anne of Feugarolles (Soeurs Hospitalieres de Feugarolles)
- Sisters of the Visitation of Mary (Anunciata)
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Montanaro
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida Thouret
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary of Good Counsel (Sisters of Good Counsel)
- Daughters of Saint Camillus
- Daughters of the Divine Will of God (Daughters of Saint Joseph)
- Monastery of the Assumption (Byzantine Rite) (Monastero Uspenskij)
- Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Little Sisters of the Miraculous Medal)
- Daughters of Charity of Mary Immaculate
- Missionary Sisters of the Poor in Christ
- Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal (Krankenjungfrauen or Nursing Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Hospitalier Sisterhood of the Holy Cross
- Corporation of the Daughters of Charity (Sisterhood of Charity of Reus)
- Company of the Cross
- Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, Servants of Workers
2.3. Founded by lay members of the Vincentian Family.
- Daughters of the Cross of Paris
- Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin (Sisters of the Presentation of Tours)
- Religious of Saint Vincent de Paul
3.1 Institutes for whom Daughters of Charity or Vincentian priests (Lazarists) were mentors during their establishment.
- Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron
- Helpers of the Souls in Purgatory (Auxiliatrices)
- Sisters of the Resurrection
- Daughters of Divine Love
4.1 Institutes that honor Vincent de Paul as one of their patrons.
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Innsbruck
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Graz
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Salzburg (Sisters of Mercy of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Congregation of Christian Works of Saint Joseph Calasanctius
- Sisters of Charity of Verviers
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Rumbeke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Ichtegem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Torhout
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Louvain
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zonnebeke
- Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zomergem
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Courtrai
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Lichtervelde
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Lendelede
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Avelgem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Kortrijk
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Saint-Nicolas-Waas
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul, Seroants of the Poor of Ghent of Gijzegem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Roeselare
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Geluwe
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Emelgem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Gits
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Handzame
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Kortemark
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Meulebeke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Brugge
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Anzegem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zwevezele
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zele
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Viane
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Sint-Denijs-Westrem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Deftinge
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul, Handmaids of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows of Hamme
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Menen
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Wachtebeke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Poperinge
- Sisters of Charity of Heule
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Oostinieuwkerke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Saint-Eloois-Winkel
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Deinze
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Buggenhout
- Hospitallers of Saint Vincent de Paul of Eeklo
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Koekelare
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Merkem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Wevelgem
- Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Waarschoot
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Poeke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Nieuwkerke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Klerken
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Boezinge
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Sint-Kruis
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Beveren-Waes
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Oostakker
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Zevecote
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Opwijk
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Werken
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Rekelgem
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Moerzeke
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Dendermonde
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Houthulst
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Moorsele
- Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul of Oostvleteren
- Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Saint-Jacut
- Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Crehen (Daughters of Divine Providence of Crehen, Mothers of the Poor)
- Sisters of Mercy of Sees (Servants of Jesus and Mary; Sisters of Charity)
- Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Daughters of Holy Mary of the Presentation of the Virgin
- Franciscan Sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of the Holy Family of Grillaud (Little Sister Nurses of the Sick)
- Sons of Charity
- Auxiliaries of Charity
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Munich
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Fulda
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Untermarchtal
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Augsburg
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Mainz-Heppenheim
- Sisters of the Destitute
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Daughters of Charity under the Patronage of Padre Filippone
- Priests of the Union of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of the Prince of Palagonia
- Handmaids of Charity
- Vincentian Sisters of Mary Immaculate
- Institute of Consolata Missions of Turin
- Servants of Charity (Opera Don Guanella)
- Sisters of Charity of Miyazaki
- Sisters of the Sacramental Heart of Jesus (Hermanas del Coraz6n de Jesus Sacramentado)
- Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy
- Sons of Mary, Mother of Mercy
- Daughters of Mary and Joseph
- Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
- Congregation of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Fathers of Utrecht (Congregation of the Priests of Utrecht)
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Religious of the Holy Family of Urgell
- Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church
5.1 Institutes that profess the same spirit as the Congregation of the Mission or the Daughters of Charity.
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary La Foret (Daughters of Charity of Saint Mary)
- Pious Congregation of the Religious Sisters of Charity (Irish Sisters of Charity)
- Sisters of Charity, Daughters of Holy Mary dell ‘Otto
5.2 Institutes which have adapted aspects of the Vincentian charism of evangelization and service of the poor but with a unique emphasis.
- Brothers of Charity (Brothers of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Sisters of Charity of Cardinal Sancha
- Sisters of Providence of Sees
- Sisters of the Little House of Providence under the Auspices of Saint Vincent de Paul (Sisters of Charity under the Protection of Saint Vincent de Paul or
- Vincenzine)
- Brothers of Saint Joseph Benedetto Cottolengo (Brothers of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Servants of the Poor of Saint Vincent de Paul (Sisters of the Poor of Saint Vincent de Paul)
- Franciscan Brothers of Saint Vincent de Paul
6.1 Institutes which are related but in another manner.
- Sisters of Mercy of Bordeaux
- Our Lady of Sion
- Congregation of the Missionary Priests of Our Lady of Sion
- Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation
- Sisters of Mercy of Munster (Clemensschwestem or Sisters of Charity of Clement-August)
- Congregation of Sisters of Charity (Sisters of Charity of Saint Francis of Assisi)
- Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion
Lay Associations
1.1 Institutes founded by Vincent de Paul.
- Confraternity of Charity
- Ladies of Charity (International Association of Charities of Saint Vincent de Paul, AlC)
1.2 Institutes which adopted the Common Rules of Vincent de Paul or substantially incorporated major principles into their rule.
- Instituto Teresianas (Institute of Saint Theresa or Teresians)
2.1 Institutes established by members of the Congregation of the Mission.
- Company of Charity
- Archconfraternity of the Holy Agony of Our Lord
- Marian Vincentian Youth (Juventudes Marianas Vicencianas or JMV)
- Asociacion Feyda
- Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Missionary Cenacle Apostolate
2.2 Institutes founded by Daughters of Charity.
- Association of Visiting Nurses
- Association of Louise de Marillac
3.1 Institutes for whom Daughters of Charity or Vincentian priests (Lazarists) were mentors during their establishment.
- Conference of Frederic Ozanam for Youth
- Health Promoters
3.2 Institutes that have had ongoing influence from members of the Congregation of the Mission or the Daughters of Charity.
- Intemational Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Marian Youth Movement (Children of Mary)
- Work of Saint Genevieve
- Fraternity of Vincent de Paul (La Fratemite Saint Vincent or Le Petit Groupe)
4.1 Institutes having Vincent de Paul as one of their patrons.
- Hospital Auxiliary of Saint Vincent de Paul
5.1 Institutes that profess the same spirit as the Daughters of Charity.
- Vincentian Volunteers
- The Vincentian Family
6.1 Institutes which are related but in another manner.
- Blessed Trinity Missionary Institute
- Vincentian Service Corps
Non-Catholic Religious Institutes
Institutes which adopted the Common Rules of Vincent de Paul or substantially incorporated major principles into their rule.
- Sisterhood of the Holy Cross (The Park Village West Sisterhood)
- Society of the Holy Cross
- Sisterhood of Saint Margaret
- Community of the Holy Cross of Haywards
- Sisters of Charity
- Sisterhood of Our Saviour, Sisters of the Poor
- Society of the Servants of Mary
Institutes that profess the same spirit as the Congregation of the Mission or the Daughters of Charity.
- Society of the Sacred Mission