Ephemerides: October, 03

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoVincentian ephemeridesLeave a Comment

Author: Benito Martínez, C.M. .
Estimated Reading Time:

1659 Fr. Dehorgny writes to Vincent and says: “I think Mademoiselle Le Gras would be doing a great charity for the sick of this town of Richelieu and for our two Sisters living here, if she sent two others Sisters — or at least one — to attend to the patients as well as to the Sisters, because both of the latter have been in bed with a fever for more than six weeks.”

1841 In Macao, the Vincentian missionary J. Conçalez dies. Besides his pastoral work of evangelization he wrote a Chinese grammar book and translated the New Testament into Chinese. He was a member of the Asiatic Society in London and after his death the Lisbon Academy placed his name in the registry of their members.

1865 A letter from the Daughters of Charity describes the ways in which they cared for those in Salonica who were suffering from cholera.

1926 Michael Gabriel is beatified. On this occasion the Superior General, Fr. Verdier, gives the Holy Father one of the treatises that the newly beatified had written on astronomy. The Holy Father exclaimed: “You have truly enriched my ancient library.”

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