Ephemerides: July, 19

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoVincentian ephemeridesLeave a Comment

Author: Benito Martínez, C.M. .
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1633. Saint Lazare, Paris. On this Tueaday Vincent de Paul gives his first Conference for Missioners, later and commonly known as Conferences de Mardi (Tuesday Conferences) and attended by clergymen from Paris and France. The first topic was Ecclesiastical Spirit – motives, nature and means to achieve it.

1783. Province of Lviv (known as Galician Province) of Daughters of Charity was erected on those territories of Poland annexed by Austria. It was the predecessor of present Province of Krakow. In time of erection the Province had 9 houses and 32 sister.

1813. Emmitsburg, Maryland. For the first time, Elizabeth Ann Seton and 17 other Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s pronounce their vows adapted from vow formula of the Daughters of Charity of St,. Vincent de Paul

1830. Rue du Bac, Paris. At 11:30 p.m. on July 18, Guardian Angel woke St. Catherine Laboure up and guided her to the house chapel. At midnight she experienced the first apparition of Our lady.

1953. Rome. In the 15th anniversary of his Pontificate, in the Apostolic Letter «Evàngelium ad pauperes» pope Pio XII approved revised Constitutions of the Congregation of the Mission based on the Canon Law of 1917. These Constitutions were replaced again 1983 when new Canon Law was introduced.

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