Ephemerides: April, 13th

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoVincentian ephemeridesLeave a Comment

Author: Benito Martínez, C.M. .
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1651: Council of Daughters of Charity gathers in Saint Lazare where in presence of Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Assistant sr. Juliana Loret and sister Genevieve Poisson they are to appoint new second assistant after death of sister Isabelle Hellot. Among few candidates Vincent chooses sr. Juana de la Croix.

1713: Fathers Criais, Houbert, Abot and Renou arived to Puducherry (formerly – Pondichéry) on the South-Eastern coast on Indian peninsula. They were designated by Fr Bonnet to assure the religious services on l’île Bourbon, as Propaganda asked for. Vessel’s captain refused to continue journey and confreres had to patiently remain in Pondicherry.

1899: Msgr John Baptist Sarthou CM, Vicar General of Northern Tche-ly dies in Beijing. Chronoligally, he was fifth of eight Vincentian bishops directing the diocese of Beijing during a century sice it was splitted in 1856. He was born on April 24, 1840 i Dozait in the department of Landais in France. Entered Saint Lazare in 1861 and was ordained on May 27, the same year. Then he taught philosophy in the seminary in La Rochelle. In 1872, upon his request, he departed for China. His first post in Beijing. IN 1885 was nominated an Apostolic Vicar of Western Tche-ly as a successor of msgr Francis Fernand Tagliabue CM. In 1890 appointed Vicar of Northern Tche-ly residing in Beijing. Neither masacres and incends in Mongolia nor Chinese-Japanese war of 1893 did not stop his apostolate. Serious illnes lead him to die in the age of 59.

1951: Fr Ferdinand Thiefry, pro-vicar of Southern Kiang-si died in his chamber in Kian.

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