Changes can and must occur. If they are not accepted, we shall never enjoy the peace of soul that is essential.
By the grace of God everything is rather peaceful; anyway, provided God’s servants are faithful to Him, they should fear nothing. We have no greater enemy than ourselves. If our great God is ready to drop punishments down upon our heads, we should each look into ourselves and we will see that we merit them.
Blessed be God that your health is better! Take care of yourself for the love of God and reflect that one way to do this is to remain cheerful by conforming yourself completely to the holy will of God and not worrying about anything. State your needs very simply and do not be upset that your illness makes you useless.
Blessed be God in all things!
Blessed be God for the strength and courage He gives you in all your works. You are accomplishing wonders.
Blessed be God for everything. May He grant the Company the strength and generosity to maintain within itself the primitive spirit that Jesus instilled in it through His Spirit and by His holy maxims? Let us often give ourselves to God so as to obtain from His goodness the generosity needed to advance His glory by fulfilling His desires on the Company.
Blessed are those persons who, under the guidance of Divine Providence, are called upon to continue the ordinary practices of the life of the Son of God through the exercise of charity.
Blessed are they whose powerlessness prevents them from acting in any other way and who employ the full power of their love so as to make the love of their Mater the sole proprietor of their hearts.
Begin by a true desire to please God, recalling that His Providence has brought you to the place where you are established and has united you so that you can help one another grow in perfection.
Be thankful for the care which Divine Providence takes of you by providing you with all that is necessary.
Be sure that you are not depriving your poor of anything. Always look to their needs so that you can give them the best you have, because it belongs to them.
At that time, I believe that I came to understand that it would be more advantageous for His glory for the Company to fail completely than to be under another”s guidance, since that would seem to be contrary to the will of God. The indications of this are that there is reason to believe that when God inspires and makes known His will for the perfection of the works His goodness wishes to accomplish, He makes His plans known at the beginning.
At Holy Communion, on that day, I was moved to make an act of faith … Throughout my trip, I seemed to be acting without any contribution on my part; and I was greatly consoled by the thought that God wished that, despite my unworthiness, I should help my neighbor to know Him.
As we passed before the churches we made acts of adoration to the Most Holy Sacrament and greeted the patron saints as well.
As I meditated on the Gospel of the Sower, I realized that there was no good soil in me. Therefore I desired to sow, in the heart of Jesus, all the actions of my heart and soul in order that they may grow by sharing in His merits. Henceforth, I shall exist only through Him and in Him since He has willed to lower Himself to assume human nature.
As for your conduct towards the sick never take the attitude of just getting the task done. You must show them affection; serving them from the heart; enquiring of them what they might need; speaking to them gently and compassionately; procuring necessary help for them without being too bothersome or too eager.
As for Sister Cecile, Oh how peaceful and gentle she must, be so as to imitate her patroness who sweetly sings the praises of God.
Are you being very courageous? Are you imitating the Good Shepherd who risks his life for the welfare and safety of the flock under His care? I think so.
Another is always to separate the little faults which may appear in our sister from the person committing them. We should always suspend our judgment and excuse her hasty reactions as we would want others to excuse ours.
Although we do not often meet with occasions when we are called upon to risk our lives, we do not lack those in which we must sacrifice our wills so as to yield to the desires of others, or so as to overcome our habits and inclinations in order to give good example to our sisters, or so as to conquer our passions in order to avoid arousing those of others.
All the sisters shall always strive for true union, being on guard to avoid appearances to the contrary when habits, naturally bad dispositions and bad moods contribute to opposing frames of mind. They shall always remember to honor the union of the Blessed Trinity, by which all order in the world has been made and is conserved, and to which, as they should recall, they submit themselves.
All that remains for us is to make good use of the present, but, in order to do so, we must ask this grace of God.
All must be done with gentleness of heart and humility, as we consider the interests of those with whom we are working rather than our own.
Admonishing you of your faults has brought my own before my eyes… the one that troubles me most at this time is the bad example I have given you in the practice of the virtues which I recommend to you.
Act with great gentleness and charity as the Son of God recommended when He was on earth.
Acknowledge the guardian angel of each soul living there in order to commend them to their protection for the glory of God.
Above all, you should be very grateful for the graces God had given you by placing you in a position to render Him such great services.
Above all, be very gentle and courteous toward your poor. You know that they are our masters and that we must love them tenderly and respect them deeply. It is not enough for these maxims to be in our minds; we must bear witness to them by our gentle and charitable care.
Above all tell her to let you know privately if you give her cause to be displeased with you and impress on her the importance of not discussing with outsiders what goes on between you.
A third means to preserve peace in the midst of our little trials is to recall that God knows our present state, and that if we love Him for Himself and strive to do His holy will, the very things that now sadden us will in truth be a source of great consolation for us one day.