Mystic of Christ’s compelling charity
Jesus is the Lord of the harvest. To work with him means to be a mystic of charity.
To be a mystic of charity supposes, in the first place, that one is like Abraham or Martha. Both avail of the moments of grace.
Abraham opens his tent to travelers who are such complete strangers that he cannot make out if they are three men, God or two angels. Martha, on her part, welcomes Jesus.
No one, however, can outdo God in liberality.
Besides guaranteeing the old couple a child, God shows that he is an intimate friend. He does not hide from Abraham what he is about do with Sodom and Gomorrah. So then, God’s chosen ones must not hide anything from him. One cannot lie to him, as Sarah has done.
And as far as Martha is concerned, who now finds herself burdened by tasks that custom assigns to women, Jesus tells her:
Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.
Yes, God surpasses Abraham’s generosity. So does Jesus, with regard to Martha. Both believers get to know what is of utmost importance, so that their faith may be perfect.
Such faith demands that believers have intimacy with God or Jesus through their devoted listening and keeping of the Word.
In the second place, then, a mystic of charity is one who chooses the “better part,” who has Christ at the center (Pope Francis). He or she sits beside the Lord at his feet, listening to him speak.
Indeed, discipleship is for women also. Jesus states so because, breaking the mold, he does not want Mary relegated to supposedly women’s chores. He indicates, moreover, that human authorities and traditions will not take from her what she has chosen.
Hence, what is important is not being male or female, but going to the one who has the words of eternal life. What is decisive is the effective conviction that “one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”
What is critical is to have Jesus Christ as our driving force. “He is the Rule of the Mission. He is the one speaking, and it is our job to be attentive to his word” (SV.EN XII:110). What is indispensable, so that we may be perfect in Christ, is to be always in communion with him, partaking of his bread and cup.
And the proof of contemplative communion is the impetus that makes one “leave God for God” (SV.EN IX:252). One becomes thus a mystic of charity. The great harvest requires hardworking workers (SV.EN XI:33). Mystic of charity cannot just be a buzz phrase.
Lord Jesus, make me a mystic of your charity.
July 17, 2016
16th Sunday in O.T. (C)
Gen 18, 1-10a; Col 1, 24-28; Lk 10, 38-42