The nearer a soul is truly united to God, the more its sensibilities are increased to every being of His Creation; much more to those whom it is bound to love by the tenderest and most endearing ties.
God is with us–and if sufferings abound in us, his Consolations also greatly abound, and far exceed all utterance… .[I was] not only willing to take my cross but kissed it too.
My own troubles will teach me I hope how to comfort others.
Does the life of our Jesus animate us? Do we indeed give him the true service of the heart without which whatever else we give has no Value?
Do we serve God in Hope, looking to his promises, confiding in his love, seeking his Kingdom, and leaving the rest to Him?
I long and wish to serve our Lord with every breath I draw.
Never can a child know what a mother suffers… Our God alone knows a mother’s heart and He will pity us.
Do we serve God in Hope, looking to his promises, confiding in his love, seeking his Kingdom, and leaving the rest to Him?
Be but faithful to Him with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest Hope.
All He [God] asks of us is the Heart.
Jesus is as a fire in the very center of our souls ever burning. Yet, we are cold because we do not stay by it.
Faith lifts the staggering soul upon one side, Hope supports it on the other. Experience says it must be, and Love says – let it be.
Let your chief study be to acquaint yourself with God because there is nothing greater than God, and because it is the only knowledge which can fill the Heart with a Peace and joy, which nothing can disturb.
Take every day as a ring which you must engrave, adorn, and embellish with your actions, to be offered up in the evening at the altar of God.
Oh what a comfort while the church of God is reduced to such distress and seems as it were abandoned to its enemies her permits us to serve him in peace in this happy corner, where he stays with us even under our very roof.
If only we keep courage, we will go to Heaven on horseback instead of idling and creeping along!
We must pray without ceasing, in every occurrence and employment of our lives – that prayer which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him.
Take every day as a ring which you must engrave, adorn, and embellish with your actions, to be offered up in the evening at the altar of God.