Throughout the centuries, theologians have made a great effort to approach God’s mystery by formulating in different conceptual constructs the relationships that bind and distinguish the divine persons in the Trinity. It is a legitimate effort, undoubtedly, born of love and the desire for God.
Jesus, however, does not follow this path. From his personal experience of God, he invites us followers of his to relate trustingly with God the Father, follow faithfully his footsteps as the incarnate Son of God, and let the Holy Spirit guide and encourage us. Thus, Jesus teaches us to open ourselves to God’s holy mystery.
Before anything else, Jesus invites his followers to live as sons and daughters of a God who is close, good and tender, one whom we can all invoke as a dear Father. What characterizes this Father is not power and force, but goodness and infinite compassion. No one is alone. We all have a Father God who understands us, loves us and forgives us as no one else does.
Jesus reveals to us that this Father has a project that is born of his heart, which is to build with all his sons and daughters a more human world of fellowship, justice and solidarity. Jesus calls it the “Kingdom of God.” He invites everyone to enter into the Father’s project, to foster a more just and dignified life for all, starting with the poorest, the most defenseless, the neediest of God’s children.
At the same time, Jesus invites his followers to trust also in him: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” He is God’s Son, the living image of his Father. His words and his deeds reveal to us how the Father of all loves us. That is why he invites all to follow him. He will teach us to live with trust and with docility to the service of the Father’s project.
With his group of followers, Jesus wants to form a new family where all will seek to “do God’s will.” The legacy he wants to leave on the earth is a movement of brothers and sisters at the service of the least and the most destitute. Such a family will be a symbol and seed of the new world that the Father wants.
For this, we need to welcome the life-giving Spirit of the Father and the Son. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses.” This Spirit is God’s love, the life-breath that the Father and his Son Jesus share. The Spirit is the power, the impetus and the vital energy that will make of Jesus’ followers his witnesses and co-workers in the service of the great project of the Holy Trinity.
May 22, 2016
Most Holy Trinity (C)
Juan 16, 12-15