August 29 (1640)
Blessed be God for having silenced the complaints for as long as it pleased Him! If you think, Monsieur, that speaking to these gentlemen of the articles1 which they themselves wanted and proposed will lead to more suspicion, in the name of God do not bring up the matter. I believe that your maxim is true, and I assure you I have no desire for any greater assurance than Divine Providence. You know that even should the Rule and the articles appear in the proposed form, they provide no assurance or commitment on either side. They will serve only as a validly drawn-up contract stating the terms by which the sisters were employed for the service of the poor so that, with the passage of time, nothing may be modified by one party or the other so long as they remain in this place.
Monsieur Lambert could not keep your cordial hospitality to himself. It is not up to me to thank you, Monsieur, but rather to ask our good God to continue to shower His graces upon you, particularly those which He granted you for the direction of our poor daughters. I have asked Sister Turgis to welcome all the girls whom you recommend. However, please remember, Monsieur, that they should be warned that if they do not live up to their promises, they will be sent back or they will have to find employment as domestics. I am telling you this, Monsieur, but they must commit a serious fault before that will happen.
1 had the honor and consolation of seeing your sister. I am sorry that you wanted this before her lawsuit was settled because I know the great amount of work she has to do in this matter. She told me that she could not promise to come for the week of rest which I had hoped she would take in our little hermitage. I asked her to consider a full day. She expressed her great desire to see Monsieur Vincent. He will willingly see her if we let him know when she will be so good as to come. She brought me great joy in the hope that we might have the honor of seeing you here this winter. I desire this if it is the holy will of God in which I remain, Monsieur, your very humble and obedient daughter.