Louise, Letter 0089. To Monsieur Vincent

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoWritings of Louise de MarillacLeave a Comment

Author: Louise de Marillac · Translator: Louise Sullivan, D.C. · Year of first publication: 1991 · Source: Spiritual Writings of Louise de Marillac. Correspondence and Thoughts. Translated from the original French edition Sainte Louise de Marillac: Ecrits Spirituels.
Estimated Reading Time:

Thursday (c. 1638)


Sister Turgis is greatly upset because the Sergeant of the Company of Monsieur de Castillon came to tell her that he would be sending soldiers to be billeted in the quarters at the front and in the ones where the children are housed. They will be noisy. Please let her know by this porter, if she does not come herself, whether upon her return she should refuse to let them stay, relying on the support of Madame the Duchess d’Aiguillon1 or Madame the wife of the Chancellor until your Charity can obtain a prohibition from the Queen, or whether you have a better solution. I remain, Monsieur, your very humble and most grateful daughter and servant.

  1. Marie de Vignerod (1604-1678) was the niece of Richelieu. Widowed at 18 years of age, she who had become, despite herself, the Marquise de Comlet, entered Carmel. Her powerful uncle brought her back to the court of Louis XIU against her will and gave her the dukedom of Aiguillon as a dowery. The Duchess d’Aiguillon participated in all of Monsieur Vincent’s works and assisted him out of her immense fortune.

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