Remember me
According to Luke’s account, Jesus is dying amid the mockery and scorn from those around him. No one appears to have understood his life. It seems nobody has grasped his dedication to those who suffer or his forgiveness of those who are guilty. No one has seen on his face God’s look of compassion. No one now seems to sense any mystery in that death.
The religious authorities sneer at him with scornful gestures: he saved others, so he has claimed, let him save himself now. If he is the Messiah of God, his “Chosen One,” God will soon come to his defense.
The soldiers too join in the jeering. They believe in no “God-Sent.” They laugh at the sign Pilate has ordered be placed on the cross: “This is the King of the Jews.” It is absurd that someone can reign without power. Let him show his strength by saving himself.
Jesus remains silent, but he does not come down from the cross. What would we do if the One sent by God had sought his own salvation by escaping from this cross that unites him forever to all the crucified peoples of history? How could we believe in a God who would abandon us to our fate?
Suddenly, in the midst of so much ridicule and contempt, comes a surprising cry: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He is neither a disciple nor a follower of Jesus. He is one of the two criminals hanging alongside him. Luke holds him up as an admirable example of faith in the Crucified.
This man, just about to die executed, knows that Jesus is an innocent man, that he has done nothing but good to everybody. He feels in Jesus’ life a mystery that is beyond him, but he is convinced that Jesus is not going to be defeated by death. A plea rises from his heart. He only asks that Jesus not forget him; he will be able to do something for him.
Jesus replies at once, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” The two are now united in agony and helplessness, but Jesus accepts him as an inseparable companion. They will die crucified, but they will enter together into the mystery of God.
In a disbelieving society, not a few go about life baffled. They do not know if they believe or do not believe. Almost without them knowing it, they carry in their hearts a tiny and fragile faith. At times, when weighed down by the burden of life, they call upon Jesus in this manner, not knowing why or how: “Jesus, remember me.” And Jesus listens to them: “You will always be with me.” Jesus has his ways of meeting each person, ways that do not always go through where theologians point the person to. What is decisive is to have a heart that listens to one’s conscience.
José Antonio Pagola
November 24, 2013
Feast of Christ the King (C)
Luke 23, 35-43