1623 Letter from the Bishop of Belley, Bishop Camus, to Louise consoling her at the time of the serious illness of her husband. In this letter we see the friendship between the bishop and the Attichy-Marillac family.
1652 The Vincentian missionary, Dermot Duiguin writes to Vincent. From an historical viewpoint this letter gives us an understanding of the evangelization process that was being carried forward in Scotlan. It also gives us insight into the relation between the Catholics and the Calvinists of that same country.
1654 Vincent writes to Jean Martin, the superior in Sedan and clarifies the departure and the re-admission of Sister Marie Joly
1888 Consecration of Bishop Santiago Crouze, a Vincentian missionary who will re-establish the Congregation in Madagascar.
1936 Sister Victoria Aguirre Guinica and Sister Joaquina Rey y Aguirre, Daughters of Charity, are executed by a firing squad in the cemetery of Gilet, Valencia.