Ephemerides: October, 18

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoVincentian ephemeridesLeave a Comment

Author: Benito Martínez, C.M. .
Estimated Reading Time:

1641 Louise writes to Monsieur L’Abbé De Vaux and says: “I humbly beg you, if you judge it proper, to be so good as to tell our sisters not to go for so long without writing to us. I fear that it could be prejudicial to them not to communicate with us for such a long time, especially during your absence.”

1647 Louise writes to Sister Turgis and says: “If your only patients are in town, they should not be very far away. All our other sisters in the country often have to travel to a good number of places a league or more away. Enclosed is a petticoat we are sending along that you will start to wear when you go out. I think that the best yeast here could very well cost 12 francs. However, when we cook, we do not use the best unless it is going to be mixed half with rye. Eggs are expensive everywhere this time of year. Although we have a great number of chickens, they are giving us practically none. However, you have other comforts in the country which will get you by during this period of high prices.”

1655 Vincent begin his conference to the Daughters of Charity in this way: “Sisters, we shall not hold our Conference today in the way we usually do. On other occasions you are accustomed to express your thoughts; this time, I will explain the rules. At the last conference I explain for you the rules that regard the Superioress and the Office-holders, and I told you in a general way what regard all Sisters. We will begins today by explaining what concern the whole Company in general and each sister in particular.”

1882 The Congregation of the Mission is established in Holland.

1930 A Daughter of Charity begins the work of visiting and evangelizing the inmates at the prison of Ugento (Italy).

1936 Francisco Roselló Hernández, a layman and member of the Children of Mary is executed by a firing squad in Cartagena. He was 29 years old and about to be married in a few days.

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