Ephemerides: October, 13

Francisco Javier Fernández ChentoVincentian ephemeridesLeave a Comment

Author: Benito Martínez, C.M. .
Estimated Reading Time:

1642 Beginning of the First General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission.

1650 Letter of Alain de Solminhac written to Vincent and highlights his work against Jansenism, citing the way in which Vincent was able to convince the French bishops of the dangers of this doctrine.

1658 In a conference to the Daughters of Charity he speaks of the “prayer of vision”: “Do you know how Madame de Chantal, our blessed mother, learned how to pray? In the same way that I have just told those to meditate who don’t know how to read, that is, by the use of pictures. What did she do? She took a picture of the Blessed Virgin, and looking at the eyes she said: ‘O admirable eyes!’ And when she felt her heart inflamed with love by these considerations, she asked God to give her the grace of never offending Him by looks. ‘Lord give me the modesty of Your holy Mother.’ Then she took a resolution to guard her eyes, and not allow them to wander about on useless things. At other times, she meditated on the ears of the Blessed Virgin, and thought: ‘O ears, how happy were you to have listened so attentively to the word of God and the Commandments of your Son.’ Then she paused for a while, and considered how she might do the same. If you go on like that you will learn how to make your prayer well.”

1839 Justin de Jacobis arrives on the Coast of Abyssinia.

1910 The Daughter sof Charity are expelled from Portugal.

1930 Paul Tchang, C.M. was decapitated between two thieves. His father was also a martyr.

1930 The last martyrs of the “October Revolution” are executed in Gijon: Tomás Pallarés C.M., Vicente Pastor, C.M. and Brother Salustiano Gonzáles. In 1936 they will be listed in the catalog of Vincentian martyrs together with Amado García, Pelayo, José Granado, Ricardo Atanes and Andrés Avelino, who were executed by firing squad in different places in Austria. Fr. Jaun Puig will be shot by a firing squad on the 13th of October, 1936.

1737 The octave to commemorate the canonization of Saint Vincent begins with the reading of the Pontifical Bull, the singing of the Te Deum and the praying of First Vespers. Three hundred candle sticks remain lighted for the duration of the octave.

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