1620 Establishment of the Charities in Folleville.
1647 Vincent writes to Guillaume Delville. How would we interpret his words today? “You tole me that Madame de Longueville wants to pay the expenses. O mon Dieu, are we to begin in Monsieur Delville’s time and mine, and through Monsieur Delviulle, the dissipation and destruction of the spirit of the Mission! O Jesus! God forbid that you should be the instrument of such a misfortune! We are nor less obliged to give our missions gratis than the Capuchins are obliged to live on alms. Eh! Bon Dieu! What would people say of a Capuchin who would draw a salary, and what do they not have the right to say of Missionaries who would allow their expenses to be defrayed by certain people during the mission, and to have Monsieur Delville all this, and in my time! O Jesus! absit hoc a nobis (let us be firmly opposed to this)!”
1647 Louise writes to Sister Anne Hardemont and some sisters that have gone to the hospital in Montreuil to act as substitutes for others who were directing the hospital but who have remained there working with the sisters. Louise says: “I would ask you to greet, on my behalf, all the fine girls, your predecessors, and to continue to deal with them with constant respect, forbearance and gracious condescension.”
1848 A Daughter of Charity dies at Argelia at the age of 36. She had come there from France with eleven other Daughters to assist the people during the cholera epidemic. Later, several other sisters will die of cholera.