1657: Conference of Vincent de Paul in San Lazare about motives and way of well practicing the Holy Week.
1920: Brother Paul Allahverdi dies in Paris. Born on April 2, 1840 he entered the community in the age of 37. Then most of his life was affected by work in the General Secretariat and in charge of Superior’ General apartments.
1949: Soon before achieving 90 years of age bishop Paul Albert Faveau CM dies in Kashing, China. He was born on April 6, 1859 in Crochte, in region of Bergues in France. Arrived to China in 1886 where he was ordained priest on August 1886 in Ningpo, by msgr Paul Maria Reynard. Bishop Reynard consecrated him a bishop in the same place on October 2, 1910. On the same day the Vicariate of Chekiang was splited. Msgr Faveau became first head of new erected Apostolic Vicariate of Hangchow. Msgr Reynard remained in the Eastern Chekiang. A year later seminary was built in Hangchow, which in future has prepared 64 Chinese men for priesthood. In 25 years as Vicar, msgr Faveau established 233 places of religious cult. 28454 people received Confirmation, 23957 adults and 16965 children baptized. Retired because of health on May 30, 1937 he consecrated bishop his confrere Fr John Joseph George Deymier named his successor as Vicar of Hangchow.