1898. In Beijing, China. Bishop Bruguière CM, consecrates Fr. Alphonse Favier CM, bishop coadjutor of Beijing. Among notable official present at the ceremony were vive-king, governor of the city and twelve princes from Mongolian royal family.
1938. In Istanbul, Turkey. Fr. Joseph Descuffi CM, prefect of discipline and professor of philosophy in the college of Saint Benedict, nominated by Holy Father archbishop of Izmir receives sacre from the hands of archbishop Rancalli assisted by two prelates of orthodox rite.
1960. On the occasion of the tercentenary of the deaths of Vincent and Louise John XXIII wrote, ” Our charity must be nourished and grounded on the same motives and the same supernatural intentions which permeated the charity of St. Vincent de Paul. But this virtue demands new expressions and new modes… May his spirit grow in us so that we may raise up those who have been struck down, help those who suffer, and re-entenkindle the fire of Divine Love in those oppressed by the indifference around them.”