1617. Vincent preaches a sermon in Châtillon and asks the congregation to help a family whose members have all taken ill.
1655 Vincent gives a conference to the missionaries explaining to them the reasons why the “little method” should be used in preparing their sermons.
1656. Vincent gives a conference to the Daughters of Charity on article #7 of their Rule, concerning poverty. He states: “They [the Daughters] shall honor the poverty of Our Lord, and rest content with having their little needs supplied with the usual simplicity.” Vincent them again re-reads this article and explains it to them word by word.
1791. Nine Vincentian missionaries, working in the parish of Saint Louis are condemned to death in Rochefort. This condemnation is the result of their refusal to sign the Constitution of the Clergy. Some of the parishioners heard of their imprisonment and were able to free them.
1844. Six members of the Sisters of Charity take charge of the Hospital of Schwrzach. In 1882 these Sisters will unite themselves with the Daughters of Charity.
1850. The Alberoni School is attacked by troops of the Duke of Parma and the superior and the professors are imprisoned because some books, periodical and poems of students on the theme of independence were found. This attack led to the renewal of diplomatic relations between France and Parma and also protests from the Holy See.
2008. Madrid. Fr.Claudio Ojeda y Perez CM, is killed in the catastrophe of Spanair JK 5022 flight from Madrid to Canary Islands on the Barajas airport. Fr. Claudio was on his trip to Canaries to rejoin his family and undertake final medical tests before going back to the Mission in Cameroon where he was working since 1998.